Club Social BBQ – Melksham – 21st July 2013

Club Social BBQ – Melksham – 21st July 2013

We have been trying for the past few years to have a club social gathering incorporating a BBQ but unfortunately we have been rained off well this year was an exception.  We set a date and had our fingers crossed that the weather would be good as Dawn kindly offered her house as a venue and the use of her own BBQ!!!

Dawn and Rachel organised some salads, nibbly bits and drinks as members were asked to bring their own meats and rolls.  The day dawned and the sun was shining brightly, Nick set up the gazebo which looked like it would be used to shade from the sun and not to shelter from the rain which was good news.

I think all in all there were 10 of us which was a nice number as we only had the one BBQ but at least it was not those dreaded disposable ones!!!  Rachel took charge of the cooking and almost gave Nick food poisoning by not cooking his burgers all the way through but he was being inpatient as he was hungry (as always!!).

We all scoffed our food and as always with a BBQ made / cooked too much food and ended up absolutely stuffed!!  We chatted and sat back and enjoyed the lovely sunny weather and to let the food settle!!

I think a good day was had by all, the sunshine certainly helped matters.

Thank you Dawn for providing the venue and cooking facilities.  Hopefully we can have another success story next year with a rain free day.