About Us
The club was formed in August 1995 following a response to an appeal in the MiniWorld magazine. Eight members attended that first meeting. Most of the founder members are still active within the club.
Our aim was to provide a local Mini club with a friendly atmosphere, approachable helpful members and have great fun at the same time. This we think we have achieved by organising and attending events throughout the year, including club socials.
If you would like to become a member please either get in contact with Rachel or email us for an application form. Membership costs £12 per person per annum.
Alternatively come along to one of our club meetings, they are on the last Sunday of each month at 6.00pm at Cepen Park Brewers Fayre, Chippenham. Please contact Rachel to ensure that there is a meeting taking place as especially in the summer months, it may be cancelled due to the club attending a show.