Mini Riviera Run – 29th April – 2nd May 2016

Mini Riviera Run – 29th April – 2nd May 2016

This year’s Riviera Run in Newquay was attended by Dawn, Nick, Ian, Graham Phillips and family.

This is the start of the show year for minis although less minis turn up now, people tend to leave their beloved cars in the garage now to preserve them.

There were traders, entertainment, competitions, club stands, autojumble, car boot sale and of course the mini cruise.

Although the weather was pretty good there was not much of a turn out for the Show ‘n’ Shine.

Next year this run will be moving to St Austell as a two day weekend event. As the IMM is going to be the end May bank holiday next year we have decided not to attend the Riviera Run as the two events will be close together.